Top 5 French Women 2021

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Bic Basher
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Top 5 French Women 2021

Post by Bic Basher »

All in different categories:

1. Myriam Seurat
2. Cali Morales
3. Stéphanie Duval
4. Anaïs Baydemir
5. Chloé Nabédian
Honorary mentions for Alexandra Blanc, Claire Delorme, Julia Martin, Valérie Maurice and Gennifer Demey.

1. Pauline Pioche
2. Alix Dauge
3. Dominique Lagrou-Sempère
4. Claire Giroud
5. Julie Hammett

Honorary mentions for Garance Pardigon, Hortense Villatte, Aurélie Casse, Anne-Sophie Lapix, Anne-Claire Coudray, Audrey Crespo-Mara, Anaïs Hanquet and Jeanne Baron.

General Presenters:

1. Faustine Bollaert
2. Iris Mittenaere
3. Sidonie Bonnec
4. Sandrine Arcizet
5. Isabelle Kirszenblat.
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Re: Top 5 French Women 2021

Post by joyman34 »

Iris Mittenaere has that classic supermodel body and is a beauty, but Isabelle Kirszenblat is my favourite. Those legs are a joy!
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