Caps of her are very rare unfortunately, although I have some here -

I do have a collection of other pics stored which I will need to upload if I find the time, but those are some which I found via google.
Ryanlcfc did a great job by posting some older pics of her from when she filled in on ITV London Morning News in the Older Screencaps section, most of which I think I have in my collection. (As rare as it would be, if anyone has any additional caps of her to share that would be excellent. I know that my collection of caps contains only caps from her brief period of filling in on the ITV London Morning News, so if anyone has any caps/footage of her during her ITV London Tonight period that would be most welcome.) I know that Victorian Pages fulfilled a request of mine once to cap Salma from ITV London Tonight however I have since lost the caps, so if anyone who used to cap on there remembers fulfilling that request and still has caps from the VP days that would be excellent.
In the main she used to dress modestly, but on occasion she used to wear low cut tops. I sometimes think she used to do this in order to leave us wanting more. This made it all the more thrilling when she wore one of her stunning tops.
Anyhow, I was wondering if there were any other fans of hers on here who noticed her at the time, especially during her stint on ITV's London Tonight? As shallow as it sounds I used to tune in to that show just to see her