They have picked two top female newscasters but have fallen flat with two lack lustre males in Shepherd and Fletcher. If the format does not change, just like many before, it would appear Hawkins and Reid have flushed their career's down the pan.
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Aqualung my friend
don't start away uneasy
you poor old sod, you see, it's only me.
I'll only watch if they use this as the theme song:" onclick=";return false;
And as they've decided to hark back to the '80s with the name, the men should be forced to grow moustaches in the style of Mike Morris.
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Currently on hiatus from capping due to technical difficulties (or in other words my telly and laptop are both knackered).
Well, Garraway's got her exit strategy (radio and the lottery) - amidst all the Reid fuss, one element overlooked seems to be what will happen to Helen Fospero (biggest loss for me). But no, not even curiosity will take me there. There's a phrase about something you can't polish, and this format remains that.
Hmmm, doesn't sound too promising does it? God only knows what sort of format this is going to take and I cannot believe that Lorraine Kelly is still going to have show of almost an hour's duration! Nothing against Lorraine but she really should be put out to grass now on some kind of lunchtime show (even as a host for Loose Women - it works for Andrea Mclean!). This looks like another re-hashed version of Daybreak, I can see how it's going to look now......Susanna Reid & Ben Shepherd on the sofa cutting periodically to Charlotte Hawkins for the news and Sean Fletcher doing the sport. Shame really as they have the chance to really go for a proper news programme, instead I fear that we're in for more of the same lame nonsense.
Those of you expecting tons of leg shots will be disappointed. Media Guardian has learned they'll be using a desk for all four presenters with a soft area with chairs for interviews.
Personally, if it's legs your after, stick with BBC Breakfast.
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Bic Basher specialises in providing broadcast quality international caps and videos recorded from HD sources direct to my SSD. What you see is exactly as recorded. Watermarks are used to reduce cap theft. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.
Sounds like typical itv if this is true....Get one of the hottest presenters around, great legs and great body in a tight dress themn shove her behind a bloody desk....clowns...get ready for another ratings plummit itv......
Both Susanna and Charlotte are goin to be on This Morning with Eamonn & Ruth tomorrow 24/4 from 10.30 to promote/talk about their new Breakfast show startin Monday 28/4
Bic Basher specialises in providing broadcast quality international caps and videos recorded from HD sources direct to my SSD. What you see is exactly as recorded. Watermarks are used to reduce cap theft. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.
There's also a smaller soft sofa area, which wasn't shown in that video, so there will be some leg shots if they have a guest in.
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Bic Basher specialises in providing broadcast quality international caps and videos recorded from HD sources direct to my SSD. What you see is exactly as recorded. Watermarks are used to reduce cap theft. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.
Looks a decent set, could'nt give a monkeys about gratuitous leg shots. But if the contents rubbish and the presenters are annoying it won't be watched.