Claudia Sermbezis either has a remarkable double... or...

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Claudia Sermbezis either has a remarkable double... or...

Post by Dymondgeyser »

Posted this in her picture thread - saw it was deleted shortly after (apologies, guys, hadn't noticed the rules had changed)

How's about this for a crackpot conspiracy theory:

Look up the videos on youtube "celebrity" named Brittani Louise Taylor.

She looks rather familiar. And take it from someone who's followed Claudias career, including her acting work for years (You might remember my site from years back). I really mean familiar: Including facial mannerisms, mouth movement, things like that. The only thing missing is Claudias little beauty mark, but it's pretty obvious "Brittani" is caked up in a fair bit of makeup.

If it wasn't for Claudia's pregnancy, I would almost swear she's leading some bizarre double life.

Edit: Here are Claudia's showreels so you can make the comparison yourself:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

..and then look at this:" onclick=";return false;

If you didn't know that it's supposedly a different person, what would you think?

(I'd like HappyHatter's opinion on this, actually. He's the one person I know has followed Claudia's career as long as I have)
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Re: Claudia Sermbezis either has a remarkable double... or..

Post by RANGfang »

That's not her lol.
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